- Separation of blood microsamples by exploiting sedimentation at the microscaleKeywords: HemaXis DX, Concept description, Analytical characterisation
Description: Study and description of HemaXis DX concept and device
- New Micro fluidic-Based Sampling Procedure for Overcoming the Hematocrit Problem Associated with Dried Blood Spot AnalysisKeywords: HemaXis DB, Assessment, Novartis
Description: Assessment and validation of our first generation product (HemaXis DB) by Novartis lab facilities.
- Evaluation of Mutual Drug – Drug Interaction within Geneva Cocktail for Cytochrome P450 Phenotyping using Innovative Dried Blood Sampling MethodKeywords: HemaXis DB, Clinical trial, in vivo Testing, Geneva University Hospitals
Description: Research article describing clinical trial conducted at the Geneva University Hospitals where our product was tested in real conditions on 30 volunteers. Also assessed the robustness of the technology (volume control).
- Potential missing steps for a wide use of dried matrix spots in biomedical analysisKeywords: Plasma/Serum, Fingertip, Novartis
Description: Expert opinion written together with Novartis on micro sampling technologies and more precisely highlighting the need for plasma/serum collection devices directly at the fingertip.
- Hematocrit-Independent Quantitation of Stimulants in Dried Blood Spots: Pipet versus Micro flFluidic-Based Volumetric Sampling Coupled with Automated Flow-Through Desorption and Online Solid Phase Extraction-LC-MS/MS BioanalysisKeywords: HemaXis DB, DBS Lab Automation, Quintiles Quest
Description: research article where Q2 solutions, a Quintiles Quest Joint Venture, assessed and validated our first generation product using automated extraction protocol highlighting automation and high throughput capacities of DBS samples in analytical labs.
- Shipping Guidelines for Dried-Blood Spot SpecimensKeywords: Regulatory, Shipping, US Postal
Description: US Postal guidelines showing DBS samples are registered as nonregulated material unlike classical blood tubes.
- Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines in Europe — findings from the DRUID project.Keywords: Drugs of Abuse, Screening, Driving Under Influence
Description: Application note showing interest of DBS technique for drugs of abuse screening among drivers
- Minutes of the WADA Executive Committee Meeting , page 34, 11 September 2013, Buenos AiresKeywords: Anti-doping, WADA , DBS
Description: application note of the World Anti-doping Agency showing interest of DBS technique
For more articles on the benefits of DBS and updates on techniques and innovation
visit Julien Deglon’s ResearchGate page or PubMed